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Archive for 2009

Colon Cancer Screening Technique Shows Continued Promise in New Study


Northwestern university reported that recent clinical trials show that a new colon cancer screening technique created by Dr. Backman’s team “…has a high enough sensitivity that it could potentially be as or more successful than a colonoscopy in screening for colon cancer.” Results from the study, conducted The results were recently published in the journal [Continue Reading]

Nanoscopic Changes to Pancreatic Cells Reveal Cancer


As reported in news from Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Drs. Backman, Roy, Subramanian and their colleagues developed a way to examine cell biopsies and detect never-before-seen signs of early-stage pancreatic cancer. Their data had recently been published in the Optical Society of America journal Optics Letters. Click her e to read full [Continue Reading]

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